指揮者 / 伊藤 慶亮
 これまで国内外数多くのアーティストと共演を重ね、2019年にはOsaka Shion Wind Orchestraに世界的ユーフォニアム奏者スティーブン・ミード、ミサ・ミードと共に客演。近年では東京吹奏楽団との共演を重ね、その公演は多方面から高い評価を受ける。
 2022年より新進気鋭のプロ奏者によるオーケストラ、The Orchestra of Tokyoトーキョー ノ オーケストラの指揮者を務める。
 アジアユースオーケストラ第20回記念コンサートツアーに参加。霧島国際音楽祭 第34回霧島音楽賞を受賞。
 教育者としてクリーヴランド管弦楽団首席テューバ奏者、杉山康人氏 主宰による「ジャパンブラスセミナー」の指揮者を務めるほか、千葉吹奏楽団常任指揮者、 VSOP渋谷吹奏楽団指揮者、洗足学園中学高等学校フィルハーモニー管弦楽団指揮者を務める。

Yoshiaki Ito / Conductor
 His dynamic and expressive conducting has been highly trusted by renowned world soloists.
 He has performed with numerous artists in Japan and world, and in 2019 he was guest conductor with the Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra along with world-renowned euphonium players Steven Mead and Misa Mead. In recent years, he has performed with the Tokyo Wind Symphony Orchestra, and his performances have been highly acclaimed in many fields.
 Since 2022, he has been the conductor of The Orchestra of Tokyo, an orchestra of up-and-coming professional players.
 In 2023, he won the second prize at the 2nd Frederick Fennell International Conducting Competition held in Italy, expanding his activities internationally.
 He participated in the 20th Anniversary Concert Tour of the Asian Youth Orchestra. He received the 34th Kirishima Music Award at the Kirishima International Music Festival.
 As an educator, he has served as the conductor of "Japan Brass Seminar" headed by Yasuto Sugiyama, the principal tuba player of the Cleveland Orchestra, Chief conductor of the Chiba Symphonic Band, conductor of the VSOP Shibuya Wind Orchestra, and conductor of the Senzoku Gakuen Junior & Senior High School Philharmonic Orchestra.
 He was trained as a conductor by Kazuyoshi Akiyama, Tatsuya Shimono, and Ken Takaseki.
 After graduating from the Senzoku Gakuen School of Music, he completed the Graduate School of Business Administration at Keio University, where he received an MBA. With his diverse knowledge, he not only pursues the musical aspect as a conductor, provides comprehensive management of musical organizations.
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